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Christian Bieck
When Christian applied for a job at a major German insurance company after his diploma in economics in 1992, he never imagined he would still be working in and for the insurance industry almost 30 years later. He currently runs research for IBM in the insurance space, publishing several studies on strategic insurance topics a year and speaking at insurance conferences – at least he did the latter when flying was still possible without a long quarantine after arrival.
Christian lives in a secret compound in the French countryside with his wife, 2 dogs, 2 cats, 9 chickens and several thousand bees. He doesn’t plan to get a haircut anytime soon.
Mark McLaughlin
Mark is a 25-year veteran of the technology industry, building teams, projects, and organizations that deliver systems to manage and optimize risk. He has worked as a sales and strategy leader, run a data and CRM consultancy, sold $500M deals, built multiple startups, been fired twice, and blown things up in the desert for shadowy government organizations. He presents routinely to CxOs, press, analysts, and conference audiences on the intersection of risk, technology, and business.
Mark lives in northern Chicagoland with his lovely wife, two above-average children, and one dog he does not like very much. He tends to go well above the posted limit on four wheels, two wheels, or two boards.